In a Crowd of Thousands 歌詞 & 不專業賞析

It was June 六月的天

I was ten 十歲的我

I still think of that day now and then 往事歷歷在目

A parade 一場遊行

And a girl 一位女孩

And a crowd of thousands 還有成千上萬的人

She sat straight 正襟危坐的她

As a queen 如皇后般

Only eight 八歲的她

But so proud and serene 自豪又如此穩重

How they cheered 群眾們喝采

How I stared 我繼續凝視著

In that crowd of thousands 在那成千上萬的人群中

Then I started to run 我開始奔跑

And to call out her name 並呼喊她的名字

As the crowd on the road went wild 隨著路上的人群瘋狂

I reached out with my hand 我伸出手

And looked up 並抬起頭

And then she smiled 她露出微笑

The parade 遊行隊伍

Traveled on 依舊進行著

With the sun in my eyes 在刺眼的陽光下

She was gone 她走了

But if I were still ten 但是如果我還十歲

In that crowd of thousands 在那成千上萬的人群中

I’d find her again 我會再次找到她的

You’re making me feel I was there too 你的描述使我身歷其境

Maybe you were 也許妳當時在場

Make it part of your story 使其成為妳人生經歷的一部分

A parade 遊行隊伍

A parade 遊行隊伍

Passing by 從旁經過

Passing by 從旁經過

It was hot 那天天氣炎熱

Not a cloud in the sky 沒任何雲朵

Then a boy 有位男孩

Caught my eye 吸引了我的注意

In a crowd of thousands 在成千上萬的人群中

He was thin 他很瘦

Not too clean 帶點骯髒

There were guards 四周有警衛

But he dodged in between 但是他卻躲開了

Yes he made himself seen 沒錯,他成功使自己被看見

In that crowd of thousands 在那成千上萬的人群中

Then he called out my name 接著他喊出我的名字

And he started to run 然後他開始奔跑

Through the sun and the heat 在烈日陽光下

And crowd 和人群

I tried not to smile 我試圖忍住笑意

But I smiled 但我笑了

And then he bowed 之後他鞠躬

I didn’t tell you that 我並沒告訴你這段

You didn’t have to 你不必

I remember 我記得

The parade 遊行隊伍

Traveled on 繼續遊行

With the sun in my eyes 在刺眼的陽光下

You were gone 你走了

But I knew 但是我知道

Even then 縱使這樣

In a crowd of thousands 在成千上萬的人群中

I’d find you again 我已再次找到你/妳

Your highness 殿下


忘記怎麼聽到這首歌,覺得很好聽就上 YouTube 找,沒想到又是音樂劇,最近真是莫名被音樂劇燒到(上次是 Alexander Hamilton),一直在找一直在聽。通常來說很少有歌可以讓我一連重播上數十次,流行樂了不起兩三次而已,音樂劇卻都是數十次起跳。

由於沒事先看過電影或音樂劇,這首歌聽了兩三遍才會意過來,在描述男女還在一次的遊行中互相看上眼,卻因為各種因素久久不能相遇。從一開始男生獨白可以知道他似乎是在對女孩訴說著之前的經歷,首兩句用「It was … I was」再用「A parade … And a girl」交代完故事場景。

男生講完後,女生突然冒出一句「You’re making me feel I was there too」,很明顯的暗示了那場景似曾相識。之後女生唱一句,男生就跟著唱一句,應該是想表達男生有專心在聽女生說話,直到「But I smiled, And then he bowed」呼應了前面男生說過的「And then she smiled」,「I didn’t tell you that, You didn’t have to, I remember」就真相大白了,彼此互相就是朝思暮想的那個人,再以「I’d find you again」作結。

附上 YouTube 連結:“In a Crowd of Thousands” Music Video | ANASTASIA The Musical

補充一下,Anastasia 台灣譯作「真假公主-安娜塔西亞」這是動畫改編的音樂劇,2017 年在百老匯中正式上映。

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